Picky Domains submission: March 5, 2008
Picky Domains status: "Passed Moderation"
This is proof showing how easy it is for a "contributor" to get scammed at PickyDomains.com. Many of my suggestions were suspiciously registered after my submittal. If the site's owner is not a fraud, he's at least apathetic about how his business gets abused. Either way, he's a real tool. He told me my suggestions were taken from expired lists and my account would be banned. I did not research off of any lists, even if I did, so what. The names were available at the time I suggested them.
So, I've heard a lot of people complain about pickydomain's services, and I just wanted to point out that there is a very similar service out there. The website is www.demandyourdomain.com. As well as domain names, you can make logo suggestions. The site is brand new, so there aren't many users, but I am trying to spread the word. Check it out!